Steam redeemed
Over a month ago I wrote about Steam and how they suspended my account with them over a charge that was accepted and then returned 6 weeks later. It took a lot of investigating on my part and CapitalOne's part with very little leeway from Steam to bend their policy.
The problem was with a transaction procedure that wasn't followed correctly on Steam's end that somehow raised a red flag with CapitalOne 6 weeks after the DLC expansion pack for the game Borderlands was made, and was then deemed fraudulent by CapitalOne. Weeks of going back and forth with CapitalOne got me nowhere and I was going to lose hundreds of dollars worth of games over a returned online purchase of $6.69.
After sending several letters to Steam support practically begging them to let me purchase the expansion pack again I was handed off to a second member of the support personnel. He informed me that he spoke to his supervisors and that they were going to allow me to make good on my intentions and attempt the purchase again. Screw CapitalOne, I just used my bankcard so that if there were an issue they would call and let e know rather than dispute the charge and not tell me. Turns out I was blaming the wrong people for the problem.
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