Archive for ‘03/01/2010 - 04/01/2010’

Healthcare Reform and America's Terrorist Attacks

This is gonna be a short one. I just need to say that all the vandalism and hateful acts on America's politicians are completely uncalled for and hypocritical of American citizens. The same American citizens that have a hatred for the terrorist acts carried out by extremists all over the world. We will surely tear ourselves apart if we keep up this pace. People may not be getting hurt or killed with tactics like placing a coffin on a politician's lawn or making death threats via phone calls and hate mail, but it's still terrorism. Shame on us, America.

Shame on our government for strong-arming the healthcare reform on us, and shame on our citizens for reacting violently in lack of support for it. Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, whatever. We're supposed to be more civilized than this.

Balboa in Spring

Spring in San Diego really does me me feel alive. I live so close to Balboa Park that it's a quick walk to the Prado for some practice with my camera, good food, and to blend it like a tourist. And that's exactly how I spent this afternoon.

The Botanical Building is always nice to get out of the Sun and cool in the shade. I have little interest in flowers, but as photography subjects and with the lighting in there can make for some pretty interesting shots. It's also one of the free exhibits there so it's a must-see. Today I was looking for spiders and some different flowers to shoot and ended up with just a few plant shots instead.

I also love the talent that shows up there. Usually it's palm and tarot card readers, random musician that may or may not have talent, caricature artists, and food vendors along the main corridor where the museums are. On occasion you'll be presented with some real talented people, like Steam Powered Giraffe. They are a "Musical Pantomime Troupe" with a Steam Punk theme that are funny have some original and pleasant songs. They were really good. How they handled being in the Sun wearing all black and having their faces covered in makeup is beyond me. That's dedication.

If every day could be like this I wouldn't ever want to leave. I think the worst part of Balboa today was watching a woman who was wearing a dress that was too small and colorful for her adjust her panties by tugging at them through her dress. Snap! Snap! Ugh. Shudder.

Derby Days 2: bout 2 as The Swarm vs The Sirens

I had originally wanted to document how my second attendance to the San Diego Derby Dolls bout went but I'm saying screw it. I'll sum it up by saying it was a ton of fun and I'm still a fan. This time around I was able to bring my camera. Unfortunately that meant not paying attention to the skating as much as it did paying attention to the skaters. I focused on my favorites but next time I'll get around more and try to take as many team shots as I can.

Good times. I'm gonna try photographing some flat track action next time. I definitely need a faster and sharper zoom lens.

Time for Something new

2010 has been quite the year so far. Not in an outwardly recognizable good way (another way of saying it’s been shitty), but very possibly more than I realize. As in the past several years when I have made changes to my life out of necessity or out of choice, this year has not been any different. Though my changes this year may be closer to the third possibility which would be “choices out of necessity”. Doesn’t make sense? Just think about it, it’ll come to you.

These haven’t been easy decisions to come to especially because of the subjects: friends, loved ones, family, employment, and an overall look at my life situation. It’s never been easy for me to say “goodbye” to anyone and this year has not been any different. Out of self-preservation and desire for sanity I've abandoned two important people in my life already and it's only March – one because I don’t care enough, the other because I care entirely too much. Later this year I’ll probably be saying “see ya later” (as opposed to “goodbye”) to my two oldest friends – my best friend since college is moving to Japan, and another friend of 11 years might be moving to Colorado. My job has become more like a prison where I get paid instead of it feeling like an actual career. After 2009’s paycuts and lack of raises and bonuses I’ve felt that I need to leave. Add to the equation a lack of upward mobility and the answer is quite clear.

I can’t help but feel like a transplanted organ that’s been rejected by it’s new host. California has always felt like home to me, but it’s let me know in more ways than one that I don’t quite fit in here. San Diego is fantastic and to move someplace else is hard to imagine, though not not impossible. Orange County and Los Angeles are options, but I fit in to those places even less than San Diego. The people, the mentalities, the traffic, the expenses…shit, I just don’t know anymore.

When all of these things are added up it becomes evident that if I’m not going to adapt to how things are here then it might be time to move on. My job is fairly stable (I’ve survived ALL of my company’s layoffs since 9/11) and I’ve proven myself to be a commodity in my office. And now it seems to be the only thing keeping me here in San Diego. When someone you love wants nothing to do with you, your best friends are leaving, you’re in a job with no chance for advancement, and the whole state is going Hell then what’s left?

Time for a new adventure. The ball is rolling…

Can I Get Some Fries With That?

Fried motherboard, that is. I have spent the last 3 evenings troubleshooting what was wrong after my desktop PC (running Windows 7) was accidentally put to sleep by yours truly and was not able to wake up. A quick trip to Fry's to get a new power supply was what was needed initially, but after that installation was complete there was a booting issue and if I was able to get past the "Welcome" screen after logging in I was lucky.

Unfortunately it was nothing but doom and gloom from then on as I tried configuration after configuration by swapping out RAM sticks and unplugging peripherals, trying everything that I could to get the freakin' machine to breathe. I was up super late Friday night, up super late Saturday night, and I might be up late tonight as I'm finally able to install a fresh dose of Windows 7 because (YES!) I was able to get it working.

The culprits causing the difficulties after the PSU was replaced were 2 blown out and burned chips or transistors or something on the motherboard. It's no wonder I wasn't able to get it working. What's strange is that even though I could only get Windows 7 to work in Safe Mode, and I couldn't install Vista or Windows 7 over the existing system because the system would hang, Windows XP Pro was able to be installed and worked like a champ. But I wasn't about to stay with that OS after I paid good money for 7. And who knows what kind of disaster could have come out of a fried motherboard since I tend to leave my computer on all day as I download torrents while I'm at work.

So, now that I have my system up and running please excuse me while I start reinstalling all the bits and pieces of software so that I can be PC-functional again.

Steam Has Me Hot

Steam Has Me Hot

At the beginning of March I wanted to play Borderlands, a game that is distributed by a company called Steam that also hosts many, many, many other games over the internet. The thing about Steam is that you have to hold an account with them in order to play their games. And for various reasons they can disable your account, close it, etc as they see fit.

On March 4th I discovered that my account had been disabled for a reason that wasn’t clear to me so I had to submit a ticket to their support group and wait for an answer. Over a week later I was informed that my account was disabled because of a $6.69 expansion pack for Borderlands that I purchased back in December because CapitalOne disputed the charge, possibly because it looked suspicious. So it was up to me to close the dispute with CapitalOne and then have Steam charge the card again.

I didn’t realize at the time the scope of the problem. ALL of my games with Steam were non-transferable to another account and were therefore rendered worthless because a $6.69 dispute. Close to $400 in games collected of the years now worth absolutely nothing. They won’t charge another card, they won’t attempt to charge anything until I settle this with CapitalOne.

This morning I raised Hell with a CapitalOne dispute operator-whatever to obtain some sort of documentation that I could give to Steam to officially let them know that the dispute was dropped. Sometimes it DOES help to raise a little Hell and demand to speak to someone higher up. In 7-10 days I should have some sort of document to hand over to Steam to settle this and have them recharge my card in order to re-open my account, but I’m not holding my breath.

All I can say is that this is the most convoluted way of doing business. Hundreds of dollars of purchased games held hostage for less than $7. That includes games that I haven’t purchased online and hold the physical DVDs to and should be able to install anywhere when my account is in good standing. And it took 3 months for them to do this? Amazing.

Derby Days

I’ve never had a tremendous love for sports or sports-related activities, and even have somewhat of a dislike for those that are gung-ho about following them. But last night I was introduced to a sport that I might be able to get behind. I found myself getting really in to the event without even realizing what was happening to me.

Roller derby. That’s right, I’ve become a fan of roller derby and the San Diego Derby Dolls. As a San Diego resident I was pretty outnumbered during last night’s event in Los Angeles but there were still a large number of San Diego fans during the game. Everyone that was there was in to the spirit of the game, and I got swept up in it as well.

When my friend Lori mentioned to me a couple of weeks ago that she was going to see the LA Derby Dolls (the Varsity Brawlers) at the Doll Factory I kinda chuckled and asked, “are you serious?” She was, and she bought our tickets that afternoon. As it turns out her friend Ashley from Michigan is part of a roller derby called Mid Michigan Derby Girls and she was going to be in town visiting this week so we had someone with us who was in the know on what was going on. Ashley goes by the name of Smash YoFacin’ (#TKO) and none of us, including her, knew exactly what to expect when we showed up at the Doll Factory.

The Doll Factory is a warehouse in Filipinotown and at the time that we arrived there were people approaching the entrance (2 or 3 bay doors) from all directions. Outside the Factory there was a Hot Dog on a Stick roach coach and more than a dozen port-o-potties, and droves of people dressed in everything from rockabilly to suits. Entering the Factory the men were patted down by security and everyone was checked to make sure that they weren’t smuggling any cameras. My one problem with the evening was that the Factory and the Brawlers don’t allow cameras of any kind (cell phones are OK) in to the facility so there is no obvious filming of any kind approved.

I’m not sure why but walking around the warehouse prior to the start of the first match brought me back to my college days. I think it was the rockabilly and non-mainstream people that were everywhere that did it. I wasn’t really out of place, but I didn’t quite fit in either. It was great. And the mood there was so upbeat that it made getting in to the spirit of the event that much easier. Beer was everywhere, a few different kinds of food, and all kinds of “derby-ware” for sale in every corner of non-arena half of the Factory. Live music on the stage to the back of the warehouse set the mood.

On to the arena. We had VIP tickets ($40) which gave us access to an indoor bathroom and VIP bar, and we were able to sit in bleachers above the banked track. As uncomfortable as the bleachers may have been during the 3 hour game it must have been more comfortable than standing in the general admission area ($17+). I was grateful that we had a place to sit and there didn’t seem to be a bad location on the bleachers to sit, but I’m easy when it comes to finding a seat that I’m happy with. I won’t get in to the game itself other than there are women skating around a banked track trying to score points against one another. The rules can be found here. The matches are short and exciting and it was easy to get me riled up over a San Diego jammer getting knocked down, blocked, or otherwise locked out from getting a point. Some of the girls are hot, some are ruggedly hot, and some are just plain rugged. Hell, I think every one of them there could take me in a fight, with or without roller skates. The names are hilarious and the numbers that they choose for themselves are just as outrageous. kiki DiAzz (#88) and Kung Pow Tina (#7&7) were my favorites on the team, but Slamurai (#7) and Estro Jen (#ru486) were easily contenders as well. There were several others that may have performed better, but being up close to those 4 has helped to sway them in to my favor.

I spoke to Kiki Diaz briefly before the first match and she let me know that the San Diego teams compete at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and that I needed to come out and support them. I very much agreed. Her tattoos and booty shorts convinced me.

Roller derby is my new favorite sport. The San Diego teams do allow photography so I’ll be sure to have something to post here after the next match that I make it to.