Movie Gimmicks - Latest 3D Craze (Hopefully) Won't Last Very Long

After spending $14.50 to go see the latest 3D movie Clash of the Titans, I've decided that any tickets that I buy for 3D movies will not be purchased hastily. Or enthusiastically.

The 2010 remake of
Clash of the Titans is nothing more than a reminder that some movies should be left alone to the original no matter how strong the casting. The hasty and last minute inclusion of the 3D version of this movie left me with the foresight to not be inclined to see the 3D version of any of the new movies coming out this year. Half of the film could have been viewed without the use of the special glasses and it would have had little effect on my viewing pleasure. Without the glasses the images are much brighter, more colorful, and even though they weren't as sharp (due to the 3D depth imaging) they were still very watchable.

With this recent 3D craze comes the promise of previously released movies that are getting converted to 3D and will eventually get re-released in to theaters to be seen at ridiculously high prices. New movies are way too expensive today as it is so paying to see an older one for the price of a new one is insane. I'm hoping that in a year or so people will tire of seeing all these gimmicky releases and 3D will become something special, not some over-priced cash call for the movie industry. With some luck it will fall by the wayside the same way
smell-o-vision and percepto did.

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