Retro Super Patriot - Rendered
This is the final rendering of Retro Super Patriot. I kinda like the line drawing better. After rendering it I can really see the errors in the proportions of the legs - they are too short. The arms and legs were meant to be larger since they were mechanical in nature and were to add more height to this hero to make him more of an opponent.
Hey T,
This is great stuff! Really nice rendering. And I like the story behind him. What was your process and tools. All traditional? Or some digital?
The whole process was traditional - pencil/ink/Pantone tri markers (warm greys). I was goign to add some digital efects like blueprints and close-ups of various parts of his arms, legs and powerplant but I decided to leave it as it was. Without a Wacom tablet I haven't done a very good job of converting to drawing freehand on the computer - I'm left-handed and using the mouse in my left hand is an uncomfortable match.
Traditional is good. I was just curious really. Old school or new it looks great.
Howdy Ty. Long time. Every time I eat a Key Lime Pie, I think of you. Good to see you are still cranking away. How is the life over there? Nice drawing too. Look forward to seeing more.
That oddly placed star is definitely whack weed on my ox nuts. What if he had limes for elbows and a bottle of windex for a hat? Word.